This project is designed to bring better cell coverage and capacity to all of Eastern Ontario including all residences and County roads. This is a multi-year project that will start to build out in 2021.

For cable, phone, internet, natural gas, oil and propane suppliers see the Business Directory or refer to the local Yellow Pages.

If you are planning to dig, build or excavate on your property, you must locate your utility lines first. Call before you dig - and help keep your property, your family and your community safe.
Damaging underground services can have serious consequences - personal injury, loss of essential services, creating a safety risk for others and expensive restoration costs and potential legal actions.
To be sure you get the locate information by the time you need it, call at least 2 weeks before you plan to dig. Lead time for locating is usually 5 business days and the locates are valid for 30 days. Spring and summer are the busier seasons so make sure to plan accordingly.

Municipal water and sewer services are available to businesses in the immediate area of the boundary between Tay Valley Township and the Town of Perth. Water and sewer service is provided by the Town of Perth along the Highway #7 corridor from the intersection of County Road #511 westerly for approximately 400 metres and along Christie Lake Road from the Perth boundary westerly for approximately 360 metres.