Tay Valley Township has invested in the development of strategic plans, studies and reports in order to inform and guide responsible decision making.
10 Year Capital Plan |
The 10 Year Capital Plan serves as a roadmap for staff and Council when considering not only the spending of money to buy new, or maintain its existing capital assets, but also to plan for the projects' long term funding so that the money is available when needed. |
Accessibility Plan |
Our Accessibility Plan describes the measures that the Township may undertake to identify, remove and prevent barriers so that goods, services, facilities, accommodation, employment, buildings, structures and premises are accessible to persons with disabilities. |
Age Friendly Community Plan |
Council adopted the Age Friendly Community Plan in 2017 with the vision for a community where people can live healthy and active lives well into their senior years; where older people are valued for their skills and life experiences, and where they participate in the community in ways that they choose. Tay Valley Township values each of its residents. The Township further recognizes that many of our older residents can contribute to our community through their experience, wisdom, mentoring capabilities, economic capacity and other vital attributes. |
Ontario Regulation 588/17 entitled, "Asset Management Planning for Municipal Infrastructure" requires municipalities to upgrade their asset management plans in a number of prescribed areas over a 6-year phase in period. As of July 1, 2019, all municipalities had to adopt a strategic asset management policy to serve as a guide in the preparation and maintenance of the Asset Management Plan. For details, please refer to Tay Valley's Strategic Asset Management Policy. This Asset Management Plan (AMP) identifies the current practices and strategies that are in place to manage public infrastructure and makes recommendations where they can be further refined. Through the implementation of sound asset management strategies, the Township can ensure that public infrastructure is managed to support the sustainable delivery of municipal services. |
Climate Action Plan |
The Climate Action Plan provides Council with a set of essential steps to launch the process of taking action on climate change, a roadmap that identifies opportunities the Township can take to meet its GHG reduction targets, and an initial Climate Lens. For additional information, please visit the Green Energy and Climate Change webpage. |
Community Plan for Safety & Well-Being |
The Police Services Act mandates municipalities to prepare and adopt a Community Plan for Safety and Well-Being (CSWB) by working in partnership with a multi-sectoral advisory committee comprised of representation from the Police Services Board and other local service providers in health/mental health, education, community/social services and children/youth services. Additional requirements are also outlined in legislation pertaining to conducting consultations, contents of the plan, and monitoring, evaluating, reporting and publishing the plan. This approach allows municipalities to take a leadership role in defining and addressing priority risks in the community through proactive, integrated strategies that ensure vulnerable populations receive the help they need from the providers best suited to support them. Community Plan for Safety and Well-Being - 2025 |
The Emergency Response Plan provides the Township with information to safeguard the health, safety, and welfare of our residents, businesses, visitors, and environments when faced with an emergency. Our ERP contains information regarding the extraordinary arrangements and measures the community may need to take during an emergency to enable a centralized, controlled, and coordinated response to the incident. |
Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan |
The Ontario Provincial Government has committed to help public agencies better understand and manage their energy consumption. As part of this commitment, Ontario Regulation 397/11 under the Green Energy Act 2009 requires public agencies - municipalities, municipal services boards, school boards, universities, colleges and hospitals - to report on their energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions annually beginning in 2013 and to develop and implement energy Conservation and Demand Management (CDM) plans starting in 2014.
Fire Master Plan |
The Fire Master Plan is to provide the Drummond/North Elmsley Tay Valley Fire Board and the Drummond/North Elmsley Fire Rescue with the information needed to make better-informed decisions regarding life safety services for the Township of Drummond/North Elmsley and Tay Valley Township, now and for the future. |
Municipal Report Card |
The Municipal Report Card provides annual highlights, accomplishments and statistics of the Township. |
Roads Needs Study |
The Comprehensive Roads Needs Study provides Council and Senior Staff with an inventory of all roads and a plan to repair and maintain the Municipality's roads, to a specific level of service. |
Official Plan |
The Township's Official Plan is a legal document containing the goals, objectives and policies which guide development and change in the Township for twenty years into the future. The Plan is intended to assist Council and its various committees, municipal staff, developers, government agencies and the public in their efforts to maintain and strengthen the environment, economy, culture and social assets of the Township. |
Joint Recreation Master Plan |
The Recreation Master Plan (RMP) is a flexible blueprint to guide planning and decision making for parks, recreation, and cultural assets over the next ten years (to 2030). This Plan is intended to help the four area municipalities manage the development of parks and trails, recreation and cultural facilities and services, and programming and events. It will help to ensure that planning for parks, recreation, and culture improvements in the municipalities prioritizes investment in essential infrastructure and programming that contributes to the health and well-being of residents and visitors. |
Service Delivery Review |
Tay Valley Township has undertaken a Service Delivery and Organizational Review to find ways to improve the overall effectiveness and efficiency of the Township's operations. |
Strategic Plan |
Council has produced a Strategic Plan that reflects the wishes and desires of the community. It is a guiding document to assist Council in making important decisions for many years and will help to direct your tax dollars to the programs and services that are most important. |
Tay Valley Information Guide |
Tay Valley Township has produced the first edition of the Tay Valley Information Guide to provide pertinent information on how to access municipal and local services and a schedule of local events. The Guide was mailed to every tax payer in Tay Valley. Additional copies are available at the Municipal Office. |
Waste Management Master Plan |
The Waste Management Master Plan is a guiding document for Council, Staff and Residents to identify efficiencies and improve service delivery specific to waste management for the next 10-years. The Waste Management Master Plan was completed in 2022, with funding support from the Municipal Modernization Program. Tay Valley Township Council received the Plan for information on January 18, 2022, with intentions to further discuss the recommendations noted in the plan at a later date. |