Friends of the Library Host Their Summer Book Sale!
The Summer Book Sale is back! The Friends of the Perth & District Union Public Library are hosting their Summer Book Sale on Saturday, July 22nd. The sale will be held in the Library Garden, under the eaves, from 9am-3pm. This is a great opportunity to browse through an incredible assortment of fiction books for adults, young adults and children. Bring your own bag and do your best to fill it! The cost of books is by donation, with all proceeds going to support the Library.
Beginning on July 3rd, books will be accepted for this sale: fiction only please, published in 2012 or newer, in good condition. Books may be brought to the Library during operating hours. Thank you in advance for your support!
The Friends of the Perth & District Union Public Library is a volunteer organisation supporting the Library's programs and services through fundraising and advocacy. This devoted group of Library supporters works diligently to help the Library to achieve its vision, raising funds to support improvements to the Library's collections and services, promoting the Library and its educational, informational and cultural resources, promoting literacy and advocating on behalf of the Library to the community and local policy makers. If you’re interested in becoming involved with this group, please contact the Library for more information or stop by and fill out a Friends of the Library membership form.
The Friends thank the community for their support of this fundraising endeavour. We hope to see many people at the sale on Saturday, July 22nd!
Perth & District Union Public Library
Contact: Julie Hansen, (613) 267-1224