Lanark County Media Release
June 23, 2021
Lanark County is encouraging local businesses and residents to voluntarily participate in a single-use plastic straw and bag ban starting July 1.
The county began working on its Climate Action Plan in January 2020, and a single-use plastics ban that aligns with federal goals is one of the strategies to reduce plastic waste. The federal government is aiming for a complete ban, including plastic bags, straws, stir sticks, six-pack rings, cutlery and food ware, by the end of this year as part of its plan to achieve zero plastic waste by 2030.
“Protecting and enhancing the natural environment is a core strategy in Lanark County’s strategic plan, and objectives outlined in our Climate Action Plan will help us to achieve this,” explained Lanark County Warden Christa Lowry (Mississippi Mills Mayor). “Council has indicated its desire to move forward with this effort to make our communities healthier and more sustainable.”
Compliance with the plastic straw and bag ban during the pandemic is voluntary. “Because the ban is voluntary, a lot of the onus falls on our local business community and residents to make the decision to switch to reusable products,” said Michelle Vala, Climate Environmental Coordinator. “We are reaching out to businesses for information about obstacles and challenges around making the switch, as well as determining their level of awareness of the upcoming ban.”
Businesses are encouraged to complete a survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SFMD5GL and can also e-mail climate@lanarkcounty.ca to share ideas about resources, suggestions and best practices.
“We are hoping to get information from businesses about what they are already doing or plan to do to replace these single-use plastics,” Vala added. “We are striving to work together on this and collect and share ideas that will make this work in a way that is best for the community.”
To support the program, the county has “bring your reusable bag” window stickers that are free for businesses to display at their entrances. Contact the county at climate@lanarkcounty.ca to obtain these.
For more information about the federal program, see:
- Canada one-step closer to zero plastic waste by 2030 - Canada.ca
- Zero plastic waste: Canada’s actions - Canada.ca
More information about the county’s Climate Action Plan can be found at https://www.lanarkcounty.ca/en/environmental-initiatives/climate.aspx and updates are also posted on the Lanark County Climate Action Information Facebook page.