For immediate release
Aug. 11, 2021
Reducing Speed Limit on Section of County Road 43: Council has passed a by-law authorizing a reduced speed limit on County Road 43 from 400 metres west of Glenview Road to Mazie Street in Smiths Falls.
The speed on this section of roadway will be reduced from 80 km per hour to 70. At the public works committee of the whole meeting in June, Public Works Manager Sean Derouin explained speed limits on county roads have been evaluated and established using the Transportation Association of Canada’s (TAC) Guideline tool. “During a review of the corridor control in this area after several public complaints, it has been determined the posted speed is recommended to be 70 km/h based on the TAC tool,” Derouin said. “Traffic utilizing this section of road must move at a reduced speed because of numerous entrances and side streets and to ensure the safety of all road users.”
Lanark County OPP did not object to the proposed speed reduction. The reduced speed will come into effect as soon as signs are erected. For more information, contact Sean Derouin, Public Works Manager, at 1-888-9-LANARK, ext. 3194.
Reducing Speed County Road 19: Council has passed a by-law to reduce the speed limit on County Road 19 (Bennett Lake Road).
The by-law follows a special public works meeting held in June at which a staff report was presented, including traffic data and mitigating potential issues.
The speed limit reduction will be 60 km per hour on County Road 19 from 275 metres west of the intersection with County Road 7 to its intersection with County Road 36, and 50 km per hour from the intersection with County Road 7 to a point 275 metres west of the said intersection. For more information, contact Sean Derouin, Public Works Manager, at 1-888-9-LANARK, ext. 3194.
Addressing Safety at County Road Intersection: Council has passed a by-law related to speed to address safety concerns at the intersection of County Road 17 (Appleton Side Road) and Cavanagh Road, and has undertaken a process with the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) regarding the installation of an all-way stop to control the intersection as an interim measure until further future options are investigated.
The by-law extends a reduced speed limit of 70 km per hour from the intersection of Hwy. 7 to 300 metres north of Cavanagh Road. The Transportation Association of Canada’s (TAC) Guideline tool was used to assess speed and supports the reduction.
At the public works committee meeting held in June, Public Works Manager Sean Derouin explained the intersection is of mutual concern for the county and Lanark County OPP due to increased traffic resulting from the Cavanagh Road extension and the number of collisions that have occurred. The OPP reviewed the collision history and found 18 reportable collisions between 2015 and 2020, which Derouin said is significant for that time period.
The county undertook a preliminary traffic study in 2018 to investigate options to improve safety at the intersection and to accommodate increased traffic flows. The consultants’ recommendations included a left-turn lane for northbound traffic or a roundabout, which could cost up to $1.3 million.
Derouin explained the reduced speed and all-way stop options are an interim measure to help reduce collisions. He said MTO East Region staff support an all-way stop after the county provided updated traffic counts, but an amendment to Ontario Regulation 623 from the Highway Traffic Act will be required prior to proceeding with the new stop signs. “This legislative process can take considerable time,” he said. MTO staff are preparing an information and consultation package containing the results of the traffic study, all-way stop warrant calculations and correspondence for ministerial review and consideration. The county will provide MTO with council’s resolution to install the stop signs so they can include it in their submission package. MTO has initiated the design process for the installation of an overhead flashing beacon.
The county will also consult with the City of Ottawa to explore options to realign the Trans-Canada Trail crossing. The all-way stop is expected to support a safer crossing for the trail.
For more information, contact Sean Derouin, Public Works Manager, at 1-888-9-LANARK, ext. 3194.
Upcoming Meetings: County Council, Wednesday, Aug. 25, 5 p.m.; Public Works, Aug. 25 (following County Council); Economic Development, Aug. 25 (following Public Works). County Council, Wednesday, Sept. 8, 5 p.m.; Community Services, Sept. 8 (following County Council); Corporate Services, Sept. 8 (following Community Services). Watch for details about public access to meetings on agendas and through online notifications. For more information, contact 1-888-9-LANARK, ext. 1502. Like "LanarkCounty1" on Facebook and follow "@LanarkCounty1" on Twitter!