
Watershed Conditions Statement – Low Water – June 09, 2021
Posted on Wednesday, June 09, 2021 03:12 PM
LEVEL 1 “MINOR” Drought Condition in Mississippi Valley Watershed
June 09, 2021 MISSISSIPPI VALLEY WATERSHED—This statement is to advise that present conditions in the Mississippi River watershed are now at the threshold for Level 1 Minor Drought status under the Ontario Low Water Response Program.
As the dry weather continues in the Mississippi and Carp River watersheds, drought conditions are expected to extend into the summer months as flows and levels continue to decline. Rainfall amounts have...
Heritage Properties Selection Committee Meeting - June 15, 2021
Posted on Wednesday, June 09, 2021 01:56 PM
The Agenda has been posted for the June 15th, 2021 meeting.

Tay Valley Township Moves to Implement Age-Friendly Community Plan
Posted on Wednesday, June 09, 2021 11:00 AM
Tay Valley Township has received a $54,000 Inclusive Communities Grant from the Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility to begin implementing the Township’s Age-Friendly Community Plan, to support the emerging needs of its diverse seniors population.
The Township’s Age Friendly Community Plan addresses all aspects of community life from transportation, housing, and outdoor spaces to communication and social inclusion to ensure seniors can participate. The Plan was created by a working group...

Minor Low Water Conditions in Rideau Valley Watershed
Posted on Wednesday, June 09, 2021 09:20 AM
Watershed Conditions Statement
June 8, 2021
WCS-LW - 1/2021
Due to below average rainfall over the last three months, conditions in the Rideau Valley Watershed now meet the threshold for Minor Low Water status under the Ontario Low Water Response Program.
Watershed residents and businesses are encouraged to conserve water by limiting non-essential uses (e.g., lawn watering, car washing, etc.), for an overall consumption reduction of about 10 percent. Residents are also...

Tay Valley Township Launches Redesigned Website
Posted on Tuesday, June 08, 2021 01:37 PM
Tay Valley Township is very pleased to announce the launch of its newly redesigned municipal website. The site officially went live at 9:00 a.m. Monday, June 7th. The Township and eSolutions Group from Ottawa, Ontario have worked diligently over the past 4 months to create an easy-to-use, modern and accessible site that captures the Township’s news, notices, events, Council agendas and minutes and much more in a visually pleasing and interactive way.
New to the site is the ability...